I like to read. A lot. And I like to work out, and eat healthy and read about eating healthy, and working out (and I don't do any of that as well as I would like) I journal about it and write notes to myself and I wanted to share with everyone else, whether they're interested or not! A long time ago I decided to go into the health care profession because I wanted to help people improve their lives and their health. I love what I do there, but I gotta say its hard to feel like it really makes a difference IN TIME. By the time I cross paths with patients, they're often already chronically ill and unhealthy and they aren't interested in changing. So if anything I share here can help someone who wants to make a change before it gets to the point of no return, that's my dream. Anyway, this isn't meant to be polished, or perfect (and lets be honest, there is NO perfect anyway) This is not a substitute for health or medical advice from your healthcare provider and should not be taken as such. Assume most of the best stuff I write about I got from smart and innovative people who wrote amazing books or had an awesome TED talk or podcast. Conversely, if I make a mistake or something doesn't quite make sense, thats all mine (haha). I like to absorb and summarize all the best stuff and share it with other people. Fair warning this will be a little of anything and everything that could contribute to health and fitness. Topics could be anything from CrossFit, to taking care of your kids, to nutrition, to healthy habits, to leadership, pregnancy, relationships, to positive thinking. Also, fair warning, I can't re-read or edit too much or else I would never publish anything.( I'll be feeling brave if I publish this!) If you're afraid to do something though, you most likely need to do that very thing. And, as I read somewhere, when deciding what you should do, consider, whats the best thing that could happen if you pursue/accomplish your goal. In this case, the best thing, is that I can give anyone some useful information, or something slightly entertaining that will help them get healthier so that they can live their best most, fulfilling, life and be who they really want to be.